How to Make Your Home Feel Larger

If your home is a bit on the smaller side, it may start to feel cramped once you get all your furnishings and decorations in. You also can’t forget to leave space open for people to walk though. There are a few solutions that can help you make the most of your space without hyper-focusing on space efficiency.

The first is a huge one — decorative storage space. This serves dual purposes by getting clutter off the ground and into a more compact area, without sacrificing aesthetic. You can find both functional and appealing furniture such as ottomans or coffee tables that feature hidden drawers to store things such as the TV remote, coasters, or a few books. Speaking of books, that doesn’t have to be the sole purpose of a bookshelf; it can be used to store any manner of items.

You shouldn’t exclusively focus on ground-level decoration, though. Decorate vertically to save room for foot traffic. These can be things such as paintings, photos, or tapestries, but they can also be functional, such as wall-mounted cabinets, or bookshelves that are tall rather than wide.

Another thing you can change to make your home feel larger doesn’t actually affect your space at all: color. Lighter colors give an illusion of airiness that can make even a small space seem less cramped. Painting every room white or beige, or even light blue or yellow, may not be the best idea unless you don’t have very many rooms. But you can still achieve the same effect by using furniture or décor in lighter colors.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Be Aware of Renovation Financing Options

Most people want to buy a home that’s move-in ready, but if you don’t mind buying fixers, there are a couple of finance options for you. This doesn’t mean just anyone can renovate a fixer — there’s a lot that goes into it, and you need to make sure you have the know-how or the money to pay someone who does. It can be expensive, and the payout is in the return on investment. If that’s much later down the line because you also plan to live there, that’s okay if you have the money, but it’s important to keep that in mind.

If you don’t have the money, you still need at least a decent credit score. There are two kinds of mortgages designed with home renovation in mind. The 203k Mortgage, one type of FHA loan, is meant for a vast array of different construction projects. In order to secure one, though, you’ll need a credit score of at least 580. Fannie Mae has a loan type specific to renovations, called the HomeStyle Renovation Loan. The max borrow amount is 50% of the total value of the home, and it’s possible to borrow against projected equity. It requires that the renovation be completed within 12 months, and necessitates a credit score of 680 or higher.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Buying New May Beat Heavy Competition

If you’re struggling in the current competitive market, you may want to consider buying a new construction home. This isn’t going to be for everyone — new constructions are often more expensive and also come with additional up front costs, since it usually requires a 3% building deposit. Not to mention if you’re not hurting for money, competitive markets are going to be less of a problem for you. Still, if you play your cards right, a new construction home could be a great deal for you without much hassle, and is a much better investment later down the line as well.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate on a new construction home. It’s true that in a competitive market, you may be inclined to bid high to get the best chance at your offer being accepted. New construction is a much smaller market, and your chances are still good even if you bid lower. Alternatively, many new construction negotiations revolve around not price adjustments, but rather the construction materials and appliances. You still want to get ahead of the competition, though; builders aren’t as willing to make drastic changes if they’ve already sold multiple similar homes in the same neighborhood with their default materials.

Photo by James Kovin on Unsplash

Keep Up To Date With Bathroom Design Trends

Everyone wants their bathroom to be a place of comfort with a calm atmosphere. If you’re planning to renovate your bathroom before selling, or just want your guests to feel at home, consider current trends in bathroom design.

There are a few trends popping up recently. The new thing for sinks is the floating vanity. It’s not actually floating — it just may look like it is, since it’s sitting on top of a raised shelf instead of a large cabinet or a tall pillar. Thematically, nature is in. Botanical wallpaper, colorful flowers, bright leaves. And for those of you who want your bathroom to be your own private sanctum, and aren’t planning to show it to others, you can customize floor or shower tiles with your own prints.

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Planning to Sell? Don’t Forget About Curb Appeal

Sellers do a lot of things to get their homes ready to show. Tidying messes, repainting walls, fixing deferred maintenance, getting their homes professionally cleaned, hiring photographers or videographers, and sometimes staging their home. What many of them forget to think about is the outside of their home. This is a huge mistake, as the outside is the first part of the home a prospective buyer will see when they arrive.

The first thing you should do is clear the area of objects lying around such as tools or toys, so that you have a clear space to work with. If you have a garden, remember to tend to it by removing weeds and pruning plants, or even getting fresh new plants. Be sure to replace mulch as well. If you have a lawn or shrubs, make sure they’re trimmed. Make sure your sprinklers are working and angled properly as well. Clean out your pool if you have one. Once everything is cleaned up, make sure to sweep any clippings and debris and wash down the driveway and walkways.

Photo by Doug Vos on Unsplash

Arbitration Clauses Falling Out of Favor

There are three primary ways to resolve disputes in business transactions, including real estate transactions: arbitration, mediation, and litigation. Arbitration involves no court activity at all except in choosing a neutral third party, and in fact courts must abide by arbitration even if the decision is erroneous. Mediation is similar to arbitration in that the initial decision is not made by the courts, but it allows to courts to intervene if a resolution is not found. Litigation involves a lawsuit in court.

Historically, businesses have favored arbitration since it was considered the quickest and cheapest method of dispute resolution, and having an arbitration policy protects them from many lawsuits. Now, businesses such as Amazon are quietly changing their policy. Arbitration has turned out more costly than they expected — primarily because they’ve been losing the disputes, in which case they are required to pay both sides. It’s also not always quick. And when the businesses are losing, they’re also not too hot on the decision being legally binding despite not necessarily being legally correct. Instead, mediation is turning out to be a cheaper, fairer, and sometimes quicker method of resolving customer disputes.

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash


Factor Climate Risk Into Your Home Purchase Decisions

Though certain areas have always been at higher risk for certain types of natural disasters, only since climate change have people heavily prioritized climate risk as a factor in their search. Wildfires, droughts, and floods are becoming much more common, so people are avoiding these areas more. People don’t necessarily know how to research which areas are high and low risk, though. Fortunately, one real estate service, Redfin, is noticing the need and has begun publishing climate ratings.

The ratings aren’t from Redfin — they’re from ClimateCheck, a company which assesses future risk and change in risk on a scale of 0-100. They start with several different global climate models to project risk on a global scale. Then, they localize the data to specific areas by filtering the global risk through local weather patterns. ClimateCheck is now also sending that data to Redfin so that it’s easily accessible for people searching for a home. Of course, you can also visit the ClimateCheck website directly at

Photo by Landon Parenteau on Unsplash


Creating a Home Office on a Budget

As more and more employers are considering the possibility of permanent work-from-home, homeowners need to think about ways to create dedicated office space in their home. Of course, if you can afford it, you can make an addition or even just buy a larger home. But not everyone can afford that, so for those who can’t, here are some ways to turn existing space in your home into office space.

For most jobs, a home office needs a desk. But a desk is just an elevated flat surface — it doesn’t have to look like an office desk. You can use a simple table or even just the shelf of a cabinet. You can also just use your dining table. You probably aren’t eating dinner while working. Other types of rooms can also become split-purpose, such as a guest bedroom. If you don’t have guests over — which you probably don’t during a pandemic — you’re free to use it as your office space whenever you want. Even if it’s occupied during the night when your guests are sleeping, you can still get work done there during the day. If you want to get creative and aren’t too spooked out, you can also turn your attic space into a home office with a table and proper lighting.

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Reduce Your Energy Bill With These Tips

Many people try to reduce their energy bill by limiting their usage. While this will indeed reduce your bill, it also reduces your comfort. There are better ways to save money on energy bills without sacrificing anything. All these ways cost money, but the investment is worth it to save money over longer periods.

A couple things you can do are one-time investments that will continue to pay dividends. These are both simple modernization. Incandescent bulbs are largely outdated, and should be replaced with LED bulbs, which are more energy efficient and last longer. Expect to save around $75 per year. Smart thermostats are the other one-time investment that will work wonders to save you money. Your HVAC doesn’t need to be working when you’re working, and it can sleep when you’re asleep. A smart thermostat lets you manage that without much effort.

The other way to save money may need to be redone periodically, but it’s still worth it. That’s just simple routine maintenance. Not only does routine maintenance reduce the likelihood of needing to pay gigantic repair costs further down the line, but it can actually improve efficiency even if no repairs become necessary. Clogged HVAC filters won’t stop it from working, but they will make it work harder and expend more energy. The other type of maintenance you may not think of is sealing leaks. Up to 20% of the money you spend on heating and cooling may just be flowing out of small cracks near doors, windows, lighting units, and chimneys. Trapping the air by sealing these leaks with caulk will reduce stress on your HVAC unit.

Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash

What is a Stepped-Up Basis?

In order to understand what a stepped-up basis is, first you need to know what a basis is. Basis in real estate is essentially the value of a home discounting any effects of appreciation or depreciation, and is used for tax purposes. It’s calculated as a property’s cost when it was purchased plus the value of any improvements made to the property. When determining the amount of taxable capital gains when selling the property, this is the amount subtracted from the sale price.

Where stepped-up basis comes in is in the case of inherited properties. When a property is inherited, the basis is recalculated based on market values, ignoring both the purchase price and any improvement values. It’s possible that this stepped-up basis causes your capital gains amount to be negative, in which case this can be deducted from your taxable income if it is not your primary residence. Only up to $3000 can be deducted in this way per year, but you can continue to deduct in later years until the loss is settled. The estate can choose to use the market value on either of two dates: the date of the previous owner’s death, or six months from that date, called the alternate valuation date.

Photo by Nick Chalkiadakis on Unsplash

Mortgage Rates Drop Back Down After Slow Climb

Mortgage rates have been low for quite a while, even despite a bump earlier due to pandemic-related fees. Those fees have now been eliminated, allowing lenders to drop their rates back down. The current average of 2.78% is not quite as low as the January record low of 2.65%, but anything below 3% is very good.

With rates being so low, now is probably a good time to refinance if you didn’t take advantage of the low rates already. But refinancing is not always the right choice, even with low rates. If you’ve already had your loan for a long time, starting over could just make you end up paying more overall. If you do think refinancing may be right for you, get multiple quotes and take steps to lower your rates. You can do this by improving your credit score, increasing your home equity, or paying optional fees upfront called discount points.

Photo by Chris Briggs on Unsplash


The Most Important Factors in Real Estate Investment

The best way to turn a profit through real estate is with investment property. Flippers certainly wouldn’t do what they do without some return on investment, but the return is much greater if you’re keeping the property and renting it out. Of course, not everyone can afford to make that type of investment, but if you can, these tips will help ensure you do it right.

It should be obvious that your bottom line is important, so make sure to take a look at average rent values in the area where you’re buying. If it’s not enough to cover whatever your costs would be, look elsewhere. Also keep in mind vacancy rates; investment property won’t bring in any money if the properties are all being left unoccupied. The second factor is location. You can change a lot about a home through renovating or even demolishing it and rebuilding, but what you can’t change is where the plot of land is. The properties with the highest rental values tend to be in areas near good schools, recreation, and public transport, that are quiet and have a low crime rate. The final thing to look for depend on current trends, so be sure your information is up to date. Short of demolishing the home, it’s quite difficult to change a property’s overall floor plan. By contrast, peoples’ floor plan preferences do change over time. A home with a modern floor plan is most likely to be well received by tenants.

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

How to Spot Neighborhoods on the Rise

If you’re looking for a place that is affordable yet in a nice neighborhood, look no further than neighborhoods that are up and coming. The process of gentrification significantly increases an area’s desirability, but unfortunately also significantly raises prices. Areas that have just begun this process, though, are probably still inexpensive.

There are a few things you can look at to determine which neighborhoods are in this category. Two of them involve correlations with hard data that you can access from professionals. The city’s municipal office can provide information about building and renovation permits. A high degree of activity in either of these, but especially renovation permits, implies that the neighborhood is about to become more expensive — but isn’t yet. The other statistic to look for is days on market. Slowly dwindling days on market is a precursor to a highly desirable neighborhood. If this is information you’re interested in, just call or email us, since as your real estate agents, we can help you track it so you can grab the best deals before it’s too late.

The third way to find blossoming neighborhoods may take a wider social network, since it’s not easy to just find the data. This way is to figure out where the young, creative types are going. Young adults and all types of artists generally have lower income and will be looking in cheaper areas, but also seek out trends and will want to know what areas are becoming more popular. In addition, creativity gives neighborhoods a type of personality that strongly attracts multiple kinds of buyers.

Photo by Avi Naim on Unsplash

Don’t Skimp on Listing Photography

The first thing anyone is going to see when looking at a listing is the photos. People aren’t going to be interested if there are no photos. But that doesn’t mean you can just take snaps with your phone’s camera and toss them up there, even with some editing. The fact of the matter is that no one is going to come see your property if it looks terrible in the photos. In addition, while there are plenty of photography tricks to improve the appearance, no one is going to buy your property if it looks significantly different from the photos.

That’s where professional photography comes in. Professional photographers know how to manipulate not the photographs themselves, but the camera settings and lenses, angles, lighting, and even which aspects of your home to highlight. None of these are making false promises. Rather a professional will find the best way to make the truth of what your home is stand out to buyers. Good panoramic shots require a specific type of lens. The colors of your home influence what time of day and which flash settings will provide the best lighting. Pros will seek out intricate details and unique features that make your home stand out from the competition.

Photo by Damir Babacic on Unsplash

Planning Your Investment Purchase

It’s pretty obvious that when you’re looking for a home for yourself, you’ll want to do plenty of research and scrutinize all the details. But when people are making investment purchases, their bottom line is often the only thing they look at. That’s not a good practice — there is definitely research to be done before deciding how to invest.

First you’ll want to decide whether or not this actually is just an investment property, or there’s a possibility you’ll want to live there in the future. If you have long-term plans, you’ll certainly want to consider much more about the property than your bottom line. Multi-family residences are generally higher income, assuming all or most units are rented out, but most people would prefer to live in a single-family residence.

Even monetary considerations don’t stop at the buying and subsequent renting of the property. Make sure that any necessary repairs are within your budget. Whether your plans are short or long term is also important here; it may be okay to take a loss early if the rental income over time is going to make up for it in the future, but you don’t want to buy a fixer if you want to see an immediate return on investment. The bottom line also doesn’t tell you whether you are going to get an income at all. If no one wants to rent in the area where you’re buying, it’s going to remain vacant. Look at crime rates and school ratings for the area. Crime rates are especially important, since even if you manage to get a tenant in a high crime area, you don’t want to suffer the losses even if you aren’t the one living there.

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Rent Control Is Actually Harmful to Tenants

Rent control exists in many cities in California, and was designed to keep rent prices low so that more tenants can afford to rent there. And it does keep prices low — as long as no one is looking to rent there. The problem is that rent control is only in effect during the tenant’s residency; as soon as the tenant leaves, the landlord can increase the price to reflect current market values. This means that even if a new prospective renter is looking in a rent controlled neighborhood, they’re still looking at current market rates.

There’s also another reason it doesn’t help renters much, and may actually harm them. And it’s merely the fact that landlords are aware of the above aspect of rent control and readily use it to their advantage. While rent control laws often do also include some form of eviction protection, they don’t outright prevent evictions, and in many cases renters aren’t able to afford to sue their landlords if they were wrongly evicted. This means that in many cases landlords can simply choose to evict their current tenant if they want to increase the rent price, or if they can’t find believable cause to evict, just stop maintaining the property until the tenant doesn’t find the situation livable anymore. Without rent control, prices steadily go up, but landlords don’t resort as frequently to devious methods to raise the price.

Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash


When Should Retirees Pay Off Their Mortgage?

When people retire, there’s a temptation for them to want to pay off their mortgage as soon as possible. After all, it’s a repeating cost that people simply don’t want to have to deal with. However, that’s not necessarily the best financial choice. Depending where the money is coming from, it may actually be less expensive to keep making payments. That said, there’s definitely something to be said for reducing the stress that comes with overhead payments, even if you sacrifice some income.

Sometimes the decision is relatively simple. If you have excess money lying around not being invested, such as in a checking account, you probably want to pay off your mortgage. This is because checking accounts typically don’t earn much interest if any at all, so the interest rate on a mortgage is guaranteed to be higher — the longer you wait, the more you lose. This also applies to any other funds that are being invested at a lower interest rate than the mortgage. Of course, this assumes you don’t need large sums of cash in the near future for some other reason.

Checking account withdrawals also aren’t taxable, unlike funds from certain retirement accounts. The interest rate comparison may not work out for retirement accounts. Even if it does work out, the withdrawal tax may make it less economically viable, especially if it pushes you into a higher tax bracket.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash


Should I Move or Refinance?

If you’re looking to take advantage of interest rates while they are still low, you have two options. You can either buy a new house, or refinance to get a lower rate. Both options can have pros and cons, and which will benefit you more will depend on a few factors.

Refinancing can be a good option under either of two conditions. The first is high equity. If you have a lot of equity in your home, refinancing allows you to access it for a temporary boost in available funds. The second is shortening the length of a loan. If you can get a shorter term loan at a lower interest rate than you currently have, that’s usually an incredible deal. Of course, whether you’re actually saving money or not in the long term depends how much you’ve already put into your current loan.

Moving is a good option if you have something in mind for the type of home you want. Low interest rates enable you to purchase a more expensive home without necessarily increasing your mortgage payment by much, if at all, and it could even be lower. This is especially the case if you are actually looking to downsize — your mortgage payment would almost certainly drop. If you were already planning to buy, it’s still a good time, even with mortgage rates starting to climb back up.

Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

Keep Space in Mind When Downsizing

Recent economic hardships are causing some people to downsize, especially if they’re also moving into urban areas, where living space is at a premium. Most of the time, people who are moving out simply put all their furniture and belongings in a moving van, and figure out where to put it later. People living in a house that’s appropriately sized for them generally don’t use the entirety of their home’s space, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll have enough space to bring everything when downsizing.

Some of your furniture may have to go. If your new condo or apartment doesn’t have a dedicated living room, you probably don’t need both your couches. Going down one bedroom because your kid has moved out? Get rid of the extra bed. You don’t need to just leave them there, though — you can donate them, give them to a friend, sell them, or even just hold them in a storage unit.

Speaking of storage, a smaller home absolutely is not going to have as much storage space. You need room for items such as towels, bedsheets, clothing, and dishes. In your old home, these may have all gone in your closet and dresser. But maybe your new closet is smaller, and perhaps your old dresser doesn’t actually fit in the new space. Think about investing in compact storage containers and utilizing space efficiently, such as by storing containers under your bed.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Beware of Editing Tricks When Buying Sight Unseen

Buying sight unseen has increased in popularity recently, as walkthrough technology has improved and the pandemic has forced fewer in-person interactions. But take care — improved technology means online walkthroughs don’t necessarily reflect reality. If you must buy sight unseen, it’s best to make sure you trust whoever is creating the images or videos for you.

Most everyone is aware of image editing software, even if it’s only Photoshop. A bad Photoshop job can be obvious, but professional photographers know how to use their camera’s inherent features to even better effect. These can include lighting modes, image enhancement, recoloring, and even splicing multiple images. Savvy buyers may instead look for video walkthroughs, which provide a better view how the various spaces interrelate. Don’t be fooled, though. Videos are almost as easy to edit as images.

Photo by Julius Drost on Unsplash