What Not To Do When Improving Your Home

Improving your home can be an exciting yet daunting task. To help you navigate your home improvements smoothly, here are six things not to do when giving your house a makeover.

Don’t plant trees too close to your home. It might seem like a great idea to add some greenery, but planting trees too close to your home can lead to root damage to your foundations and plumbing. Plant trees at a safe distance to avoid future headaches. A good landscaper or garden center employee should be able to help you find the best plants for your lot.

Don’t clean windows on a sunny day. Cleaning windows when the sun is shining directly on them can cause the cleaner to dry too quickly, leaving streaks. Choose a cloudy day to get a spotless, streak-free finish.

Don’t ignore regulations. Skipping the necessary permits might save time initially but can lead to major issues down the road, including fines and even the nightmare of having to undo your work. Always check local regulations, get the proper permits, and keep them for your records.

Don’t use the wrong tools. Although not investing in fancy tools might save money, using the wrong tools for a job can lead to poor results and potential injury. Make sure you have the right tools or hire a professional if needed.

Don’t forget to protect your furniture. There’s nothing worse than eyeing up a beautifully renovated room only to find your couch ruined by dust, debris, and flying paint. Cover your furniture with sheeting or move it to another room to keep it safe. Resist the urge to move your drop cloths and sheets before everything has dried, as you could smudge and track paint around by mistake once you think you have the job done!

Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

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